June 01, 2018. Today was the day to show the birds of APA Serrinha do Alambari to the couple of friends Laerte and Sônia.

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On this friday holiday I went to Serrinha do Alambari with the couple of friends Laerte and Sônia to go in search of 2 species of birds that they had not yet photographed that was the black-tailed bugger and the crooked-billed arapaçu. We left at 7:00 am in the morning from Penedo to Serrinha. As soon as we arrived at the place where I had already seen these two species we started the search and soon we found the assanhadinho, but he did not make it easy for photos. We then tried the crooked beak arapaçu which after some time of searching and decided to sing very close to where we were and at this time Laerte was able to take a photo of him. As it was already lunchtime we went to Nei’s restaurant there at Camping Club Brasil and to our surprise we found Carlos Gruppilo, Flávio and Gustavo who also had lunch there. As the Nei keeps a drinking fountain in the restaurant, we take good pictures of some birds (rust, blue leaves, old iron, flower scissors, purple-fronted hummingbird and white throat throat). After lunch we returned to the road to try again to photograph the black-tailed bugger and this time Laerte got a photo. In addition to these two species they also photographed several others.

See the list of birds

see some photos today: