02 and 03 of June of 2018. Expedition with Milton and Sônia by the Itatiaia National Park.

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This weekend I received the couple of photographers of birds Milton and Sônia for a photographic expedition through the first national park of Brazil, the National Park of Itatiaia. On Saturday, the 2nd, I went with the couple to the Itatiaia highlands that varies from 1699m to 2791m and they photographed many cool birds. At lunch time the stop is mandatory at the Miguezinho Bar to eat a cake and a bread with sausage. There Breno and Nelsinho have a first-rate service. Already on Sunday the 3rd I took the couple to know the low part that varies from 500m to 1450m. Already in the morning they got great photos of the tovaca singer that until now has been performing very well. Milton told me that he was even thrilled to see this bird very closely singing over a log ten feet away. Soon after we went to the Hotel do Ypê, a place where you can make good pictures of birds in bowls and kisses of flowers that frequent the drinkers of the hotel. At lunch we left for the Hotel Donati for lunch, but before lunch we went in search of the wounded, another bird that the couple wanted to photograph and we got several photos. Soon after lunch the weather turned very dark but we still continue to photograph several birds around the Hotel.

follows the list of birds of the two days:

follows some photos of the couple photographing in the Itatiaia National Park.