January 4, 2021 - Expedition for bird photography through the Itatiaia National Park with photographer Cristiano Voitina.

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It was just a day to show the birds of the Itatiaia National Park region to photographer Cristiano Voitina. We tried to focus on the birds he needed for the second edition of the books “Aves Catarinenses” .

Green-crowned Plovercrest

Rufous-tailed Antbird

Frilled coquette

Black-capped Piprites

Black-capped Piprites

Buff-throated Warbling-Finch

Brazilian Ruby

Green-crowned Plovercrest

Mouse colored tapaculo

Black-and-gold Cotinga

Blue-billed Black-Tyrant

Brassy breasted tanager

Spix’s Spinetail

Gilt edged tanager

Chestnut-vented Conebill

Chestnut-headed Tanager

White-barred Piculet

Green-winged Saltator