05 to 07 October 2020 - Expedition for bird photography through the Itatiaia National Park, Serra da Bocaina, Serrinha do Alambari and Capelinha region with photographers Luiz Antonio Moschini Souza and Jonatas Miatake

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Luiz came looking for pictures of specific birds for his personal list. This time Jonatas came with him. We traveled through the low and high part of the Itatiaia National Park, Serra da Bocaina, Serrinha do Alambari and Capelinha in search of good photos.

There were 3 days dedicated to new species where we were successful in many of them.

Southern Antpipit  –  Corythopis delalandi


Long-tailed Tyrant  –  Colonia colonus

Variegated Flycatcher — Empidonomus varius

Brazilian Tanager  –  Ramphocelus bresilius

Burnished-buff Tanager  –  Tangara cayana

Brazilian Tanager  –  Ramphocelus bresilius