August 7th to 15th, 2024 - Tour through the Pantanal of Mato Grosso and Chapada dos Guimarães with photographer Constantino Melo from Aparecida do Norte, SP.

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Pavãozinho-do-pará  –  Sunbittern

Trip Report: Journey to the Pantanal with Constantino Mello – From Aparecida do Norte to Chapada dos Guimarães


In early August 2024, I had the opportunity to guide bird photographer Constantino Mello from Aparecida do Norte, São Paulo, on an exciting trip to the Pantanal of Mato Grosso. I departed from Resende and drove solo to Aparecida do Norte, where I met Constantino, and from there, we headed together to the Pantanal. Our main goal was to search for Lifers—new bird species for Constantino. Covering over 1,900 kilometers, the journey began with a stop in Alto Taquari, where, on the second day, Constantino experienced a true photography overload with the stunning Blue-and-yellow Macaws. It was an incredible spectacle, with several macaws flying, nesting, and interacting, which made Constantino extremely happy. We then headed towards Poconé but took a detour after Rondonópolis onto a road leading to Barão de Melgaço. During our stay in the Pantanal, we were fortunate to witness the pink ipe trees in full bloom. These trees, which only flower for about 15 to 20 days a year, were breathtaking and added an impressive visual bonus to our journey. In addition to searching for birds, we had the opportunity to photograph the rich biodiversity of the Pantanal, including monkeys, caimans, pacas, peccaries, agoutis, deer, marsh deer, and tortoises. We were also very lucky to spot and photograph a Giant Anteater, getting close enough to capture some fantastic shots. Although we didn’t manage to photograph a jaguar, we did have the thrilling experience of seeing its tracks—a vivid reminder of this majestic feline’s presence in the region. At Chapada dos Guimarães, where we stayed at a lodge, we had the privilege of witnessing many birds visiting the feeders and water stations daily. Among the frequent visitors was the impressive Red-and-green Macaw, providing special moments for observation and photography. With over eight years of experience taking clients to the Pantanal and Chapada dos Guimarães to photograph birds and wildlife, I can confidently say that this trip was a testament to the richness and beauty of these destinations. For 2025, we are preparing special tours to these incredible locations and invite you to join us in exploring the Pantanal and Chapada dos Guimarães. Don’t miss the chance to experience up-close the lush nature, diverse birdlife, and wildlife in one of Brazil’s most fascinating places. Contact us and reserve your spot for an unforgettable experience with us!

Nome Comum Common Name
1 acauã Laughing Falcon
2 alegrinho White-crested Tyrannulet
3 alma-de-gato Squirrel Cuckoo
4 anambé-branco-de-rabo-preto Black-tailed Tityra
5 andorinha-do-campo Brown-chested Martin
6 andorinha-do-rio White-winged Swallow
7 andorinha-grande Gray-breasted Martin
8 andorinhão-de-rabo-curto Short-tailed Swift
9 andorinhão-do-buriti Fork-tailed Palm-Swift
10 andorinha-pequena-de-casa Blue-and-white Swallow
11 andorinha-serradora Southern Rough-winged Swallow
12 anhuma Horned Screamer
13 anu-branco Guira Cuckoo
14 anu-preto Smooth-billed Ani
15 araçari-castanho Chestnut-eared Aracari
16 araçari-de-bico-riscado Lettered Aracari
17 aracuã-do-pantanal Chaco Chachalaca
18 arapaçu-beija-flor Red-billed Scythebill
19 arapaçu-de-bico-branco Straight-billed Woodcreeper
20 arapaçu-de-cerrado Narrow-billed Woodcreeper
21 arapaçu-de-lafresnaye Lafresnaye’s Woodcreeper
22 arapaçu-do-campo Great Rufous Woodcreeper
23 arapaçu-grande Planalto Woodcreeper
24 arapaçu-verde Olivaceous Woodcreeper
25 arara-azul Hyacinth Macaw
26 arara-canindé Blue-and-yellow Macaw
27 arara-vermelha Red-and-green Macaw
28 aratinga-de-testa-azul Blue-crowned Parakeet
29 ariramba-de-cauda-ruiva Rufous-tailed Jacamar
30 ariramba-preta Brown Jacamar
31 asa-de-telha Grayish Baywing
32 avoante Eared Dove
33 bacurau Common Pauraque
34 baiano Yellow-bellied Seedeater
35 balança-rabo-de-máscara Masked Gnatcatcher
36 bandoleta White-rumped Tanager
37 batuqueiro Black-throated Saltator
38 beija-flor-de-bico-curvo White-tailed Goldenthroat
39 beija-flor-de-garganta-verde Glittering-throated Emerald
40 beija-flor-tesoura Swallow-tailed Hummingbird
41 beija-flor-tesoura-verde Fork-tailed Woodnymph
42 bem-te-vi Great Kiskadee
43 bem-te-vi-rajado Streaked Flycatcher
44 benedito-de-testa-vermelha Yellow-tufted Woodpecker
45 bentevizinho-de-asa-ferrugínea Rusty-margined Flycatcher
46 bentevizinho-do-brejo Lesser Kiskadee
47 bichoita Chotoy Spinetail
48 bico-reto-azul Blue-tufted Starthroat
49 bico-reto-cinzento Long-billed Starthroat
50 biguá Neotropic Cormorant
51 biguatinga Anhinga
52 cabeça-seca Wood Stork
53 cabeçudo Sepia-capped Flycatcher
54 caburé Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl
55 cambacica Bananaquit
56 caminheiro-zumbidor Yellowish Pipit
57 canário-da-terra Saffron Finch
58 canário-do-mato Flavescent Warbler
59 caneleiro-de-chapéu-preto Crested Becard
60 carão Limpkin
61 carcará Crested Caracara
62 cardeal Red-crested Cardinal
63 carrapateiro Yellow-headed Caracara
64 carretão-do-oeste Yellow-breasted Blackbird
65 casaca-de-couro-amarelo Pale-legged Hornero
66 casaca-de-couro-de-crista-cinza Rufous Cacholote
67 catatau Thrush-like Wren
68 caturrita Monk Parakeet
69 cavalaria Yellow-billed Cardinal
70 chifre-de-ouro Horned Sungem
71 choca-barrada Barred Antshrike
72 choca-do-planalto Planalto Slaty-Antshrike
73 choquinha-lisa Plain Antvireo
74 chora-chuva-preto Black-fronted Nunbird
75 chorão White-bellied Seedeater
76 choró-boi Great Antshrike
77 chororó-do-pantanal Mato Grosso Antbird
78 chorozinho-de-bico-comprido Large-billed Antwren
79 chupim Shiny Cowbird
80 chupim-azeviche Screaming Cowbird
81 coleirinho Double-collared Seedeater
82 coleiro-do-brejo Rusty-collared Seedeater
83 colhereiro Roseate Spoonbill
84 coró-coró Green Ibis
85 corruíra Southern House Wren
86 corucão Nacunda Nighthawk
87 coruja-buraqueira Burrowing Owl
88 curicaca Buff-necked Ibis
89 curicaca-real Plumbeous Ibis
90 curió Chestnut-bellied Seed-Finch
91 curutié Yellow-chinned Spinetail
92 ema Greater Rhea
93 encontro Variable Oriole
94 falcão-de-coleira Aplomado Falcon
95 ferreirinho-de-cara-parda Rusty-fronted Tody-Flycatcher
96 ferreirinho-relógio Common Tody-Flycatcher
97 figuinha-de-rabo-castanho Chestnut-vented Conebill
98 fim-fim Purple-throated Euphonia
99 freirinha White-headed Marsh Tyrant
100 galinha-d’água Common Gallinule
101 garça-azul Little Blue Heron
102 garça-branca-grande Great Egret
103 garça-branca-pequena Snowy Egret
104 garça-moura Cocoi Heron
105 garça-real Capped Heron
106 garça-vaqueira Cattle Egret
107 garrinchão-de-barriga-vermelha Buff-breasted Wren
108 garrinchão-pai-avô Moustached Wren
109 gavião-belo Black-collared Hawk
110 gavião-bombachinha Rufous-thighed Kite
111 gavião-caboclo Savanna Hawk
112 gavião-caramujeiro Snail Kite
113 gavião-carijó Roadside Hawk
114 gavião-de-rabo-branco White-tailed Hawk
115 gavião-do-banhado Long-winged Harrier
116 gavião-pedrês Gray-lined Hawk
117 gavião-pega-macaco Black Hawk-Eagle
118 gavião-preto Great Black Hawk
119 gavião-tesoura Swallow-tailed Kite
120 gralha-do-campo Curl-crested Jay
121 gralha-do-pantanal Purplish Jay
122 graveteiro Greater Thornbird
123 gritador Sibilant Sirystes
124 guaracava-de-barriga-amarela Yellow-bellied Elaenia
125 guaracava-de-topete-uniforme Plain-crested Elaenia
126 guaracavuçu Fuscous Flycatcher
127 inhambu-chintã Tataupa Tinamou
128 iraúna-de-bico-branco Solitary Black Cacique
129 iraúna-grande Giant Cowbird
130 irerê White-faced Whistling-Duck
131 irré Swainson’s Flycatcher
132 jaçanã Wattled Jacana
133 jacu-de-barriga-castanha Chestnut-bellied Guan
134 jacurutu Great Horned Owl
135 jacutinga-de-garganta-azul Blue-throated Piping-Guan
136 jaó Undulated Tinamou
137 japacanim Black-capped Donacobius
138 japu Crested Oropendola
139 joão-corta-pau Rufous Nightjar
140 joão-de-barro Rufous Hornero
141 joão-de-pau Rufous-fronted Thornbird
142 joão-do-pantanal White-lored Spinetail
143 joão-pinto Orange-backed Troupial
144 juriti-pupu White-tipped Dove
145 lavadeira-de-cara-branca Black-backed Water-Tyrant
146 maçarico-de-perna-amarela Lesser Yellowlegs
147 maitaca-de-cabeça-azul Blue-headed Parrot
148 maracanã-de-colar Yellow-collared Macaw
149 maracanã-do-buriti Red-bellied Macaw
150 maracanã-pequena Red-shouldered Macaw
151 maria-cavaleira Short-crested Flycatcher
152 maria-cavaleira-de-rabo-enferrujado Brown-crested Flycatcher
153 maria-corruíra Rufous-sided Pygmy-Tyrant
154 maria-faceira Whistling Heron
155 maria-ferrugem Rufous Casiornis
156 maria-pechim Forest Elaenia
157 marreca-ananaí Brazilian Teal
158 marreca-cabocla Black-bellied Whistling-Duck
159 martim-pescador-grande Ringed Kingfisher
160 martim-pescador-miúdo American Pygmy Kingfisher
161 martim-pescador-pequeno Green Kingfisher
162 martim-pescador-verde Amazon Kingfisher
163 mexeriqueira Pied Lapwing
164 mineirinho Coal-crested Finch
165 mutum-de-penacho Bare-faced Curassow
166 neinei Boat-billed Flycatcher
167 noivinha-branca White-rumped Monjita
168 papa-formiga-vermelho Rusty-backed Antwren
169 papagaio-verdadeiro Turquoise-fronted Parrot
170 pardal House Sparrow
171 pássaro-preto Chopi Blackbird
172 patativa Plumbeous Seedeater
173 pato-do-mato Muscovy Duck
174 pavãozinho-do-pará Sunbittern
175 peitica-de-chapéu-preto Crowned Slaty Flycatcher
176 peixe-frito Pheasant Cuckoo
177 peixe-frito-pavonino Pavonine Cuckoo
178 periquitão White-eyed Parakeet
179 periquito-de-encontro-amarelo Yellow-chevroned Parakeet
180 periquito-rei Peach-fronted Parakeet
181 pernilongo-de-costas-brancas White-backed Stilt
182 pia-cobra Masked Yellowthroat
183 pica-pau-branco White Woodpecker
184 pica-pau-de-banda-branca Lineated Woodpecker
185 pica-pau-de-testa-branca White-fronted Woodpecker
186 pica-pau-de-topete-vermelho Crimson-crested Woodpecker
187 pica-pau-do-campo Campo Flicker
188 pica-pau-dourado-escuro Golden-green Woodpecker
189 pica-pau-louro Pale-crested Woodpecker
190 pica-pau-pequeno Little Woodpecker
191 pica-pau-verde-barrado Green-barred Woodpecker
192 picapauzinho-escamoso White-wedged Piculet
193 piolhinho Planalto Tyrannulet
194 pipira-da-taoca Gray-headed Tanager
195 pipira-preta White-lined Tanager
196 pipira-vermelha Silver-beaked Tanager
197 polícia-inglesa-do-sul White-browed Meadowlark
198 pomba-asa-branca Picazuro Pigeon
199 pomba-galega Pale-vented Pigeon
200 pomba-trocal Scaled Pigeon
201 pombo-doméstico Rock Pigeon
202 primavera Gray Monjita
203 príncipe Vermilion Flycatcher
204 quero-quero Southern Lapwing
205 quiriquiri American Kestrel
206 rabo-branco-de-sobre-amarelo Cinnamon-throated Hermit
207 risadinha Southern Beardless-Tyrannulet
208 rolinha-fogo-apagou Scaled Dove
209 rolinha-picuí Picui Ground-Dove
210 rolinha-roxa Ruddy Ground-Dove
211 rolinha-vaqueira Long-tailed Ground-Dove
212 sabiá-barranco Pale-breasted Thrush
213 sabiá-do-campo Chalk-browed Mockingbird
214 sabiá-laranjeira Rufous-bellied Thrush
215 sabiá-poca Creamy-bellied Thrush
216 saci Striped Cuckoo
217 saí-andorinha Swallow Tanager
218 saí-azul Blue Dacnis
219 saíra-amarela Burnished-buff Tanager
220 saíra-de-chapéu-preto Hooded Tanager
221 sanhaço-cinzento Sayaca Tanager
222 sanhaço-de-coleira Black-faced Tanager
223 sanhaço-de-fogo Hepatic Tanager
224 sanhaço-do-coqueiro Palm Tanager
225 saracura-três-potes Gray-necked Wood-Rail
226 sebinho-de-olho-de-ouro Pearly-vented Tody-tyrant
227 sebinho-rajado-amarelo Stripe-necked Tody-Tyrant
228 seriema Red-legged Seriema
229 socó-boi Rufescent Tiger-Heron
230 socó-dorminhoco Black-crowned Night-Heron
231 socozinho Striated Heron
232 suiriri Tropical Kingbird
233 suiriri-cavaleiro Cattle Tyrant
234 suiriri-cinzento Suiriri Flycatcher
235 surucuá-de-barriga-vermelha Blue-crowned Trogon
236 tachã Southern Screamer
237 talha-mar Black Skimmer
238 taperuçu-de-coleira-branca White-collared Swift
239 tapicuru Bare-faced Ibis
240 tempera-viola Buff-throated Saltator
241 tesourinha Southern Fork-tailed Flycatcher
242 tico-tico Rufous-collared Sparrow
243 tico-tico-de-costas-cinza Gray-backed Sparrow
244 tico-tico-do-campo Grassland Sparrow
245 tico-tico-rei Red-crested Finch
246 tietinga Magpie Tanager
247 tiziu Blue-black Grassquit
248 trinca-ferro-gongá Grayish Saltator
249 trinta-réis-grande Large-billed Tern
250 trinta-réis-pequeno Yellow-billed Tern
251 tucano-de-bico-preto Channel-billed Toucan
252 tucanuçu Toco Toucan
253 tuiuiú Jabiru
254 udu-de-coroa-azul Amazonian Motmot
255 urubu-de-cabeça-amarela Lesser Yellow-headed Vulture
256 urubu-de-cabeça-vermelha Turkey Vulture
257 urubu-preto Black Vulture
258 urubu-rei King Vulture
259 urubuzinho Swallow-winged Puffbird
260 urutau-grande Great Potoo
261 vite-vite-de-cabeça-cinza Ashy-headed Greenlet
262 xexéu Yellow-rumped Cacique


Tuiuiú  –  Jabiru


Arara-canindé  –  Blue-and-yellow Macaw

Lesser Kiskadee  –  bentevizinho-do-brejo


Arara-canindé  –  Blue-and-yellow Macaw

Arara-canindé  –  Blue-and-yellow Macaw