08 to 10 May 2019. Expedition by the region of the Itatiaia National Park with a couple of friends Elaine Pereira and Vitor Saraiva.

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During the days 08 to 10 of May I set up a trip for bird photography for the couple of friends Elaine Pereira and Vitor Saraiva. Those were really cool and fun days.

08 / 05- The beginning of our expedition began in the lower part of the Itatiaia National Park, where the couple were staying (Hotel Donati) Already on the morning of this day many birds were photographed by Elaine, where the first bird was the sharpbill. In sequence, Planalto Tyrannulet, blue dacnis, Gray-headed Tody-Flycatcher, Streak-capped Antwren, Black-eared Fairy, Violet-capped Woodnymph,Gray-capped Tyrannulet and Green-headed Tanager. Still on this day she photographed many birds in the park such as the Frilled Coquette, Chestnut-bellied Euphonia, Golden-winged Cacique, red rumped Cacique, Tropical Pewee, saffron toucanet, Red-breasted Toucan, Dusky-legged Guan, google black tanager, Olive-green Tanager, among others.

09 / 05- We went to the high part of the park where still on the road some lifers were photographed. Marsh scissors, purple-billed mackerel, small loon, moorhen. Already in the high part our search was by garrincha chorona, bird endemic of altitude, but who gave the show was the pair of potatoes flies of gray backs. Sanbedo brother, toucan, pinion chest, golden woodpecker, rappelling of the mountain, hat of red hat, quete of the southeast, lollipop, pebble, black maria of red throat also gave the air of grace. The night the star was the yellow-bellied murucututu that stayed very close for great photos.

Look at some photos of Elaine on her profile in wikiaves.

http://www.wikiaves.com.br/3354181&tm=f&t=c&c=3302254&o=dp&desc=1&p=2   Tawny-browed Owl

10 / 05- On the morning of this day we went in search of another owl for Elaine, the attempt was to photograph theGreat Horned Owl, the biggest Brazilian owl and she was lucky. We also saw many birds in the area surrounding the park. I go canary, giggle, joão botina da mata, marianinha amarela, fucking watch, blue-throated hummingbird, mustache, felipe, chorão.

http://www.wikiaves.com.br/3353963&tm=f&t=c&c=3304201&o=dp&desc=1&p=3 Great Horned Owl

http://www.wikiaves.com.br/3352556&tm=f&t=c&c=3302254&o=dp&desc=1&p=5 Slaty Bristlefront