In just two days Ivo and Kennia were able to photograph many birds in the region of the Itatiaia National Park. The first day was in the upper part of the park and the second day in the lower part. We also had a night out to photograph owls around the park.
Below are some pictures of these two days of bird photography in the Itatiaia National Park region.
Rufous-tailed Antbird
Swallow-tailed Manakin
Green-crowned Plovercrest
Violet-capped Woodnymph
Brazilian Ruby
Dusky-legged Guan
Buff-throated Warbling-Finch
Black-and-gold Cotinga
Itatiaia Spinetail
Bay-chested Warbling-Finch
Speckle-breasted Antpitta
Rufous-crowned Greenlet
Eared Pygmy-Tyrant
Fawn-breasted Tanager
Ferruginous Antbird
Fork-tailed Pygmy-Tyrant
Brassy-breasted Tanager
Blue dacnis
Blue dacnis
Green-headed Tanager
Golden-chevroned Tanager
Gray-headed Tody-Flycatcher
Golden-winged Cacique
Rusty-barred Owl
Tawny-browed Owl
Least Grebe
White-spotted Woodpecker
Saffron Finch
Masked Water-Tyrant
Variable Antshrike
Golden-crowned Warbler
Velvety Black-Tyrant
Yellow-headed Caracara
Spix’s Spinetail
Southern Beardless-Tyrannulet
Swallow Tanager
Double-collared Seedeater
Chestnut-bellied Euphonia
Black-goggled Tanager
Red-ruffed Fruitcrow
Greenish Schiffornis
Surucua Trogon
Rufous-capped Spinetail