August 14 to 16, 2018. Showing the birds of the region of Itatiaia National Park the Brazilian / American friend Geruza Paiva.

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During the days 14 to 16 of August of 2018 I showed some birds of the Itatiaia National Park  and surroundings for the Brazilian friend who lives in the USA Geruza Paiva. It was housed inside the Itatiaia National Park, a site that already has more than 400 species of birds registered. On the 14th we were able to enjoy some of the birds that visit the hotel’s feeder, where she can see and photograph the beautiful brazilian tanager with her red blood. Soon after we left for the tracks and one of the highlights was the encounter with the Swallow-tailed Manakin, the dancer, as he is also known. More ahead we were surprised by the Swallow-tailed Cotinga that landed well ahead of us giving us a few minutes for good looks with the binoculars and also some photos. Before the end of the day we spent there at the point where theSuch’s Antthrush always appears for photos and this day was no different. Already the next day we leave early for the upper part of the park, a very good region that always yields great photos. Among the birds of altitude, I emphasize the Diademed Tanager,  Thick-billed Saltator, Shear-tailed Gray Tyrant, Buff-throated Warbling-Finch, and the Great Pampa-Finch.

Look at some pictures of those days.