January 14-16, 2020. Expedition through the regions of Itatiaia National Park, Serrinha do Alambari and Serra da Bocaina National Park with friend Luiz Antonio de Maricá RJ

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From January 14th to 16th, 2020, I prepared a bird photography trip for Luiz Antonio, it was 3 very intense days focused on the photography of some birds that Luiz didn’t have yet. In his list of lifers were about 80 species. In these 3 days we visited the cities of Resende and Itatiaia RJ, Itamonte MG and São José do Barreiro and Areias SP.

We started in a pond near the park where there is always a bunch of masked duck, this time there were 8 individuals, also there the Least Grebe. Shortly afterwards we head towards the upper part of the park where birds of altitude vary from 1700m to 2450m. In this place lives the Itatiaia Spinetail, endemic bird of altitude.

Altitude Fields of Itatiaia National Park

Araucaria forest

Golden grass

Already in the upper part of the park the first bird we photographed was the Green-crowned Plovercrest. We went down after lunch and went to Itatiaia to make an attempt at the first registration of the grass sage and it worked .. Then we went to Penedo and with the Friend’s help Geraldo Lauria got photos of the rufous-capped Motmot, a bird that was among the top 5 on Luiz’s list.

On the second day we went to the Serra da Bocaina National Park region, climbed the mountains with a little fog, which disturbed the sharpness of some photos, the giant antshrike collaborated well, but with poor visibility due to the fog that was in the place. . Our lunch was at Pousada Recanto da Bocaina, by friend José Milton, who always welcomes us so well.

Serra da Bocaina road

View from the top of Serra da Bocaina

View from the top of Serra da Bocaina

Luiz photographing the Serra da Bocaina valley

On the last day we went to Serrinha do Alambari where we got another 4 lifers and then went to the lower part of Itatiaia National Park.

Serrinha do Alambari Portal

Waterfall in Itatiaia National Park

Soundstone at Serrinha do Alambari

Luiz photographing one more bird

Thank you Luiz and see you next time.

In all there were 30 lifers in 3 days.

Some birds of the three days: (those in bold that were Luiz’s lifers)

  1. Black billed scythebill
  2. Narrow billed woodcreeper
  3. White throated woodcreeper
  4. Picazuro Pigeon  –  Patagioenas picazuro
  5. Ultramarine Grosbeak  –  Cyanoloxia brissonii
  6. Green crowned plovercrest
  7. Black jacobin
  8. Brazilian ruby
  9. Great Kiskadee  –  Pitangus sulphuratus
  10. Thick billed saltator
  11. Tufted Antshrike  –  Mackenziaena severa
  12. bananaquit
  13. Saffron finch
  14. Black capped piprites
  15. Chestnut-crowned Becard  –  Pachyramphus castaneus
  16. Unicolored Blackbird
  17. Rufous-backed Antvireo  –  Dysithamnus xanthopterus
  18. Ochre-rumped Antbird – Drymophila ochropyga
  19. Star throated antwren
  20. White-bellied Seedeater  –  Sporophila leucoptera
  21. Shiny Cowbird  –  Molothrus bonariensis
  22. Chestnut-bellied Seed-Finch
  23. Southern Antpipit  –  Corythopis delalandi
  24. Serra do mar tyrannulet
  25. Chestnut-bellied Euphonia
  26. Greenish Schiffornis  – Schiffornis virescens
  27. Serra do Mar Tyrant-Manakin
  28. Itatiaia spinetail
  29. Long-billed Wren  –Cantorchilus longirostris
  30. Golden-rumped Euphonia  –  Euphonia cyanocephala
  31. Savanna Hawk  –  Heterospizias meridionalis
  32. White-rumped Hawk  –  Parabuteo leucorrhous
  33. Dusky-legged Guan  –  Penelope obscura
  34. Black-capped Donacobius  – Donacobius atricapilla
  35. Orange-breasted Thornbird  –  Phacellodomus ferrugineigula
  36. Sharp-tailed Streamcreeper  –  Lochmias nematura
  37. Rufous capped motmot
  38. White-browed Foliage-gleaner  –  Anabacerthia amaurotis
  39. Common potoo
  40. Blue-billed Black-Tyrant  –   Knipolegus cyanirostris
  41. Yellow Tyrannulet  –  Capsiempis flaveola
  42. Masked duck
  43. Green kingfisher
  44. Least grebe
  45. Boat-billed Flycatcher  –  Megarynchus pitangua
  46. Gray-backed Tachuri  –  Polystictus superciliaris
  47. Fork tailed pygmy-tyrant
  48. Bay-chested Warbling-Finch – Poospiza thoracica
  49. Gray-bellied Spinetail – Synallaxis cinerascens
  50. White spotted woodpecker
  51. Rufous-capped Spinetail – Synallaxis ruficapilla
  52. Speckle breasted antpitta
  53. Plumbeous pigeon
  54. Buff-throated Warbling-Finch –  Microspingus lateralis
  55. Blue dacnis  –  Blue Dacnis
  56. Gilt-edged Tanager – Tangara cyanoventris
  57. Rufous-headed Tanager – Hemithraupis ruficapilla
  58. Green-headed Tanager – Tangara seledon
  59. Gray breasted crake
  60. Diademed Tanager – Stephanophorus diadematus
  61. Black-and-gold Cotinga – Lipaugus ater
  62. Swallow-tailed Manakin – Chiroxiphia caudata
  63. Pin-tailed Manakin – Ilicura militaris
  64. Swallow tailed cotinga
  65. Magpie Tanager – Cissopis leverianus
  66. Such’s Antthrush  –  Chamaeza meruloides
  67. Rufous tailed antthrush
  68. Variegated Antpitta – Grallaria varia
  69. Bertoni’s Antbird  –  Drymophila rubricollis
  70. Olivaceous Elaenia  –  Elaenia mesoleuca

Green crowned plovercrest

Green kingfisher

Least grebe

Masked duck

Masked duck

Black capped piprites

Rufous tailed antthrush

Speckle breasted antpitta

Gray breasted crake

Common potoo

White spotted woodpecker

Serra do mar tyrannulet

Rufous tailed antthrush

Itatiaia Spinetail  –  Asthenes moreirae

Thick billed saltator  –  Saltator maxillosus

Plumbeous pigeon  –  Plumbeous Pigeon

Swallow tailed cotinga

Chestnut bellied seed-finch

White-bellied Seedeater  –  Sporophila leucoptera

Saffron Finch  –  Sicalis flaveola

Queen butterfly –  Danaus gillipus

Rufous capped motmot

Orange-breasted Thornbird  –  Phacellodomus ferrugineigula

Ochre-rumped Antbird  –  Drymophila ochropyga

Giant Antshrike  –  Batara cinerea

Rufous-backed Antvireo  – Dysithamnus xanthopterus

Bertoni’s Antbird  –  Drymophila rubricollis

Gray-backed Tachuri  –  Polystictus superciliaris

Olivaceous Elaenia  –  Elaenia mesoleuca

Golden-rumped Euphonia  –  Euphonia cyanocephala

Sharp-tailed Streamcreeper  –  Lochmias nematura

Tiger butterfly – consul fabius

Ultramarine Grosbeak  –  Cyanoloxia brissonii


Unicolored Blackbird  –  Agelasticus cyanopus

Magpie Tanager  –  Cissopis leverianus

Rufous-headed Tanager  –  Hemithraupis ruficapilla

Serra do Mar Tyrant-Manakin  –  Neopelma chrysolophum


Gilt-edged Tanager  –  Tangara cyanoventris


Narrow-billed Woodcreeper  –  Lepidocolaptes angustirostris

Yellow Tyrannulet  –  Capsiempis flaveola

Black jacobin – Florisuga fusca

Chestnut-bellied Euphonia  –  Euphonia pectoralis

Swallow-tailed Manakin  –  Chiroxiphia caudata

Rufous-capped Spinetail  –  Synallaxis ruficapilla

Greenish Schiffornis  –  Schiffornis virescens

White-bibbed Antbird  –  Myrmoderus loricatus

Tufted Antshrike  –  Mackenziaena severa

Long-billed Wren  –  Cantorchilus longirostris

Long-billed Wren  –  Cantorchilus longirostris

White-browed Foliage-gleaner  –  Anabacerthia amaurotis

Black-billed Scythebill

Such’s Antthrush  –  Chamaeza meruloides

Pin-tailed Manakin  –  Ilicura militaris

Fork tailed pygmy-tyrant

White throated woodcreeper

Star throated antwren