American Ted was in Ubatuba with Lucas Ramiro, who is also a bird guide, and would come to Itatiaia National Park to watch birds here as well. Lucas sent me a message with Ted’s contact, because he wanted me to show him the birds. The message was in the morning and in the afternoon Ted arrived at the inn in Itatiaia and soon we left in search of new birds. It was a few hours on the first day but enough to observe more than 60 species. On the second day we went to the upper part of the park where we could spend the whole day in search of the birds that occur there. We also wait for the day to end to observe the striped owl, which is very common in the high regions of Itatiaia. On the last day, we only had two and a half hours so we decided to go to the lower part of the park. We managed to see a total of 160 bird species, many new to Ted. We also saw the endangered Callithrix aurita, capuchin monkey and squirrel.
Follow the eBird list:
Green-crowned Plovercrest
Black-throated Trogon
List of 160 birds observed by Ted
1 | White-crested Tyrannulet |
2 | Squirrel Cuckoo |
3 | Tawny-headed Swallow |
4 | Blue-and-white Swallow |
5 | Southern Rough-winged Swallow |
6 | Guira Cuckoo |
7 | Smooth-billed Ani |
8 | Scaled Woodcreeper |
9 | Scaled Woodcreeper |
10 | Olivaceous Woodcreeper |
11 | Pallid Spinetail |
12 | Picazuro Pigeon |
13 | Violet-capped Woodnymph |
14 | White-throated Hummingbird |
15 | Sapphire-spangled Emerald |
16 | Sapphire-spangled Emerald |
17 | brazilian ruby |
18 | Black jacobim |
19 | Swalow tailled hummingbird |
20 | Great Kiskadee |
21 | Piratic Flycatcher |
22 | Streaked Flycatcher |
23 | Social Flycatcher |
24 | Yellow-olive Flycatcher |
25 | Black-throated Grosbeak |
26 | Cinnamon Tanager |
27 | Lined seedeater |
28 | Mottle-cheeked Tyrannulet |
29 | Bananaquit |
30 | Saffron finch |
31 | Wedge-tailed Grass-Finch |
32 | Black-capped Piprites |
33 | White-winged Becard |
34 | Southern Caracara |
35 | Yellow-headed Caracara |
36 | Wing-banded Hornero |
37 | Brown-breasted Pygmy-Tyrant |
38 | Bat falcon |
39 | Variable Antshrike |
40 | Rufous-capped Antshrike |
41 | Yellow-rumped Marshbird |
42 | Rufous-tailed Antbird |
43 | Star-throated Antwren |
44 | Plain Antvireo |
45 | White-bellied Seedeater |
46 | Rufous-winged Antwren |
47 | Rufous Gnateater |
48 | Shiny Cowbird |
49 | uniform finch |
50 | double collared seedeater |
51 | Southern House Wren |
52 | Burrowing Owl |
53 | Rusty-barred Owl |
54 | Euler’s Flycatcher |
55 | Serra do Mar Tyrannulet |
56 | Common Tody-Flycatcher |
57 | Chestnut-bellied Euphonia |
58 | Chestnut-vented Conebill |
59 | Greenish Schiffornis |
60 | Great Egret |
61 | Cattle Egret |
62 | Chestnut-capped Blackbird |
63 | Itatiaia Spinetail |
64 | Long-billed Wren |
65 | Savanna Hawk |
66 | Roadside Hawk |
67 | White-tailed Hawk |
68 | Cliff Flycatcher |
69 | Curl-crested Jay |
70 | Araucaria Tit-Spinetail |
71 | Sibilant Sirystes |
72 | Yellow-bellied Elaenia |
73 | Red-rumped Cacique |
74 | Swainson’s Flycatcher |
75 | Dusky-legged Guan |
76 | Golden-winged Cacique |
77 | White-eared Puffbird |
78 | Orange-eyed Thornbird |
79 | Rufous Hornero |
80 | Rufous-fronted Thornbird |
81 | Spix’s Spinetail |
82 | Rufous-capped Motmot |
83 | Chivi Vireo |
84 | Masked Water-Tyrant |
85 | Buff-fronted Foliage-gleaner |
86 | Scaly-headed Parrot |
87 | Blue-winged Macaw |
88 | Whistling Heron |
89 | Whistling Heron |
90 | Tropical Parula |
91 | Ringed Kingfisher |
92 | Amazon Kingfisher |
93 | House Sparrow |
94 | Chopi Blackbird |
95 | Bay-chested Warbling-Finch |
96 | Plain Parakeet |
97 | Masked Yellowthroat |
98 | White Woodpecker |
99 | Campo Flicker |
100 | White-barred Piculet |
101 | Rufous-capped Spinetail |
102 | Hooded Siskin |
103 | Planalto Tyrannulet |
104 | Rufous-browed Peppershrike |
105 | White-browed Meadowlark |
106 | Gray Monjita |
107 | Golden-crowned Warbler |
108 | White-browed Warbler |
109 | Southern Lapwing |
110 | Buff-throated Warbling-Finch |
111 | Scale-throated Hermit |
112 | Southern Beardless-Tyrannulet |
113 | Ruddy Ground-Dove |
114 | Pale-breasted Thrush |
115 | Chalk-browed Mockingbird |
116 | Rufous-bellied Thrush |
117 | Blue Dacnis |
118 | Orange-headed Tanager |
119 | Burnished-buff Tanager |
120 | Hooded Tanager |
121 | Gilt-edged Tanager |
122 | Rufous-headed Tanager |
123 | Brassy-breasted Tanager |
124 | Green-headed Tanager |
125 | Fawn-breasted Tanager |
126 | Sayaca Tanager |
127 | Diademed Tanager |
128 | Slaty-breasted Wood-Rail |
129 | Black-and-gold Cotinga |
130 | Tropical Kingbird |
131 | Cattle Tyrant |
132 | White-throated Kingbird |
133 | Black-throated Trogon |
134 | Surucua Trogon |
135 | Swallow-tailed Manakin |
136 | Pin-tailed Manakin |
137 | White-collared Swift |
138 | Gray-headed Tody-Flycatcher |
139 | Streamer-tailed Tyrant |
140 | Fork-tailed Flycatcher |
141 | Rufous-collared Sparrow |
142 | Grassland Sparrow |
143 | Pileated Finch |
144 | Ruby-crowned Tanager |
145 | Brazilian Tanager |
146 | Grassland Yellow-Finch |
147 | Maroon-bellied Parakeet |
148 | Blue-black Grassquit |
149 | Rufous-tailed Antthrush |
150 | Buff-browed Foliage-gleaner |
151 | Sharp-billed Treehunter |
152 | Ferruginous Antbird |
153 | Toco Toucan |
154 | Blue-winged Parrotlet |
155 | Short-tailed Nighthawk |
156 | Olivaceous Elaenia |
157 | Black Vulture |
158 | Rufous-crowned Greenlet |
159 | Rufous-breasted Leaftosser |
160 | Streak-capped Antwren |
Rufous-tailed Antbird
Swallow-tailed Manakin
Euler’s Flycatcher
Black-capped Piprites
White-bellied Seedeater
Gilt edged tanager
White-browed Warbler
Uniform finch
Cliff flycatcher
Golden-crowned Warbler
Brassy breasted tanager
Rufous-tailed Antthrush
Bat falcon
Ruby-crowned Tanager
White-barred Piculet
Brazilian tanager
Savanna hawk
Callithrix aurita
Double collared seedeater
Curl-crested Jay
Pileated Finch
Lined seedeater
Rusty barred owl
White-winged Becard
Burnished-buff Tanager
Callithrix aurita