September 24th to 27th, 2021 - Expedition for observation and photography of birds through cities of São Paulo, Minas Gerais and Rio de Janeiro with photographer Jayrson Oliveira

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      The first day was very intense and with many hours on the road. I left home at 2:30 am towards Guarulhos International airport to pick up Jayrson. The first stop was in the city of São José dos Campos, where the main target was the threatened São Paulo Antwren, which collaborated well for good photos. Then on the way to Itatiaia we decided to change the script and went to Taubaté to meet our friend Roberto Torrubia who always welcomes us so well. We took the opportunity to learn more about the region with our friend Marcelo Indinho. We took the opportunity to learn more about the region with our friend Marcelo Indinho. We also photographed owls around the towns of Monteiro Lobato and Tremembé SP, where we managed to photograph 2 owls and 2 nightjars. On that first day we only managed to arrive in Itatiaia at 22:30 at night. On the second day I took Jayrson to the Serrinha do Alambari Environmental Protection Area, a hot spot for bird watching in our region. On the third day, we went to the high part of Itatiaia to photograph the birds that only occur there. After lunch we went to Serra da Bocaina, where Jayrson got 4 more lifers. Fourth day, today we went to the lower part of the park in search of 5 more species new to Jayrson. On the last day we made a very nice script. We left Itatiaia at 5 in the morning (Jorge Lucas accompanied us that day to see this itinerary) heading to Angra dos Reis, then we went through Paraty and then Ubatuba, ending the day at Sítio Folha Seca (Place that Mr. Jonas takes care of so well and welcomes us even better ). In the late afternoon we headed to Guarulhos to drop Jayrson at the hotel, as he will return to Goiania on the early morning flight.

In all, more than 300 species were heard, sighted and/or photographed. Many rare, endemic and of very restricted distribution. We went to many cities, here’s the list:

São José dos Campos SP

Tremembé SP

Monteiro Lobato SP

Areias SP

Queluz SP

São José do Barreiro SP

Ubatuba SP

Caraguatatuba SP

Itamonte MG

Resende RJ

Itatiaia RJ

Angra dos Reis RJ

Paraty RJ


São Paulo Antwren

Ruddy Quail-Dove

Orange-breasted Thornbird

Ruddy Quail-Dove

Ruddy Quail-Dove

Gray-fronted Dove

Half-collared Sparrow

Squamate Antbird

Tawny-browed Owl

São Paulo Antwren

Gilt-edged Tanager

White-barred Piculet

Hooded Siskin

Creamy-bellied Thrush

Southern Beardless-Tyrannulet

Gray-backed Tachuri

Blackish-blue Seedeater

Rufous-fronted Thornbird

White-bellied Seedeater

Bay-chested Warbling-Finch

Rufous-tailed Antbird

White-bearded Manakin

Hepatic Tanager

Hepatic Tanager

Speckle-breasted Antpitta

White-rumped Hawk

Rufous-tailed Antthrush

Violet-capped Woodnymph


Glittering-bellied Emerald

Scaled Woodcreeper

Shear-tailed Gray Tyrant

Yellow-eared Woodpecker

Slaty Bristlefront

Rufous-thighed Kite

Velvety Black-Tyrant


Rufous-capped Motmot

Such’s Antthrush

Sooty Grassquit

Sooty Grassquit

Squamate Antbird

Diademed Tanager

Green-crowned Plovercrest

Burnished-buff Tanager

Masked Water-Tyrant

Black-billed Scythebill

Rufous-bellied Thrush

Rusty-barred Owl

Long-trained Nightjar

Common Pauraque

Biscutate Swift

Black-hooded Antwren

Black-hooded Antwren

Piratic Flycatcher

Lemon-chested Greenlet

Yellow Tyrannulet

Green-headed Tanager

Violaceous Euphonia

Blue Dacnis

Red-necked Tanager

Green Honeycreeper

White-chinned Sapphire

Black Jacobin

Festive Coquette

Saw-billed Hermit

White-collared Swift