June 25 to 27, 2018. Expedition for bird photography with friends Maria Albers, Diná Galdino and Luciano Bernardes for the Itatiaia National Park and its surroundings.

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During the days 25 to 27 of June I set up an expedition for bird photography with the friends Maria Albers, Diná Galdino and Luciano Bernardes. On the first day we went after the Itatiaia Spinetail that was still a lifer for Maria Albers, and it already counted 1186 species of birds photographed by Brazil. This Itatiaia Spinetail was also on the list of Luciano and his mother Diná. We have also seen on this day several other species that occur at altitude. On the second day our focus was on other birds: Such’s Antthrush, Slaty Bristlefront, White-bibbed Antbird, White-spotted Woodpecker, Streak-capped Antwren. All were photographed. But we also saw a Crane Hawk, which is not common for Itatiaia. On the third day our focus was on the birds of altitude. The Green-crowned Plovercrest were photographed, Greenish Tyrannulet, Buff-throated Warbling-Finch
, Bay-chested Warbling-Finch, Mottle-cheeked Tyrannulet, Rufous-backed Antvireo
and some more. But the highlight of the day was to see and photograph theWhite-rumped Hawk, a bird difficult to see here, but on this day gave the air of grace to the joy of all.