August 30 to September 3, 2021 – Expedition for bird photography by Cananéia SP and Ilha Comprida SP with photographer Maria Cecília.

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    On August 30th I started a trip to the city of Cananéia SP with Maria Cecília. Our main objective was to observe and take good photos of the maned. On the second day, we were able to observe a group of 40 individuals that flew over our heads near the banks of the Acaraú river. But the next day we made a quick departure on a small boat and managed to take some really cool pictures. The tide was very low and provided us with great photos of the guarás. The next day we made another boat trip, but now in a bigger boat, as we left Cananéia to the northern region of the state of Paraná. A fantastic tour where we could see the sambaqui, also known as concheiro, is a limestone or mountainous formation of human origin. The sambaquis are archaeological sites left by prehistoric peoples who inhabited the Brazilian coast from 7,000 to 8,000 years ago, long before the Tupi-Guarani. characterized by mountainous and elevated structures in southern Brazil, ranging from 5 to 30 meters in height, most of the time. Some of them, however, can reach up to 70 meters in height. These sites constitute a distinct space that stands out in the landscape due to its large volume and the topographical nature of the coastal plain.

Below are some photos of these days on the south coast of São Paulo and the North Coast of Paraná.


Scarlet Ibis

Scarlet Ibis

Scarlet Ibis

Brazilian Tanager

Green-headed Tanager

Red-necked Tanager


Swallow-tailed Manakin


Restinga Tyrannulet


Brown Booby



Scarlet Ibis

Yellow-throated Woodpecker

Brazilian Tanager

Robust Woodpecker

Long-billed Wren

Mangrove Rail

Black-backed Tanager

Black-backed Tanager

White-necked Thrush

Greenish Schiffornis


Mangrove Rail

Sayaca Tanager

Palm Tanager

Tropical Parula

Ruby-crowned Tanager

Rufous-bellied Thrush


Pale-breasted Thrush

Ruby-crowned Tanager

Blue dacnis

Swallow-tailed Hummingbird

Small-headed Elaenia



American Golden-Plover