Day 13 of May of 2019. Showing the birds of the National Park of the Itatiaia to the friend Antonio Amorim Neto

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On May 13 I had the mission to show the birds of the Itatiaia National Park to the friend of Santa Catarina Antonio Amorim Neto. In just one day we cover the upper, lower and surrounding areas of the park. Antonio had a wish list to photograph and one of them was the frilled coquette. In the morning just after the coffee we went to the high part of the park where still on the road he can make his first photo of the masked duck. In the high part, the birds photographed by him were:

  • itatiaia spinetail
  • masked duck
  • common gallinule
  • buff throated warbling finch
  • serra do mar tyrannulet
  • green crowned plovercrest
  • black hawk eagle
  • white rumped hawk
  • bay chested warbling finch
  • rufous tailed antbird
  • gray backed tachuri
  • brazilian ruby
  • black capped piprites
  • chestnut headed tanager

In the low part too many birds, but the highlight was even for the frilled coquette, that he made the photo in just 2 minutes, was just getting out of the car, get the camera and already take the photo. More still had other birds like:

  • frilled coquette
  • black cheeked gnateater
  • white bibbed antbird
  • brassy breasted tanager
  • gilt edged tanager
  • long tailed tyrant
  • buff fronted foliage gleaner
  • velvetyblack tyrant
  • Cliff Flycatcher

Still in the lower part we had a meeting with a jararaca that was very calm taking a nap on a log right in the middle of the trail.

Stick to the tip, always walk with protection

As I had only one day to show the birds to Antonio we made the script well optimized for him to be able to photograph the birds that he intended.

Thanks my friend and see you next time.