February 24, 2020. Bird watching in Serra da Bocaina with the Belgian couple Peter Vandeputte and Katrien.

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On February 24, I led the Belgian couple through the Serra da Bocaina region in São Paulo. A beautiful region with many birds. It was just a morning where we toured the surroundings of Fazenda Vargem Grande and climbed Serra da Bocaina. Despite the closed time in a few hours we have seen more than 80 species of birds, from birds that occur in forests and those that occur in open areas.

check out this morning’s eBird list.



Check out some photos this morning:

Savana hawk

Yellow-chinned Spinetail

Green-crowned Plovercrest

Cinnamon Tanager

Blue dacnis

White barred piculet

Smooth-billed Ani

Southern Rough-winged Swallow

Capped Heron

Black-legged Dacnis

Whistling Heron

Pale-vented Pigeon

Wedge-tailed Grass-Finch

Rufous Hornero

Double-collared Seedeater

Brassy-breasted Tanager

Green-crowned Plovercrest

Surucua Trogon

Half-collared Sparrow

Black-legged Dacnis

Black-legged Dacnis

Black-legged Dacnis

Chivi vireo

Gilt edged tanager

Swallow tanager

Rufous-fronted Thornbird

Grassland Yellow-Finch

Cliff flycatcher

Curl-crested Jay

Bran-colored Flycatcher

Cinnamon Tanager

Blue dacnis

Ultramarine Grosbeak

White-bellied Seedeater

Burnished-buff Tanager

Brazilian Tanager

Guira Cuckoo

Rufous-fronted Thornbird’s nest

White-eyed Parakeet