Today, on May 29, I showed some birds from the Itatiaia National Park to birdwatcher Pamela.

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Today was the day to take Pamela (teacher and biologist) who came to Brazil for the first time to observe birds and chose the Itatiaia National Park as her destination. Pamela came from the state of Michigan (USA) already with a bag of 6300 sightings around the world. Already in the morning we could observe several new species for her still in the inn and as soon as we left there we also stopped on the road that leads to the park for some more news. Already inside the park she can see how the Itatiaia avifauna is abundant and did not hesitate to just observe and also photographed almost all the birds that sighted this day.

Veja a lista de hoje no eBird somente das aves avistadas e ou fotografadas por ela.

follows some photos: