June 5th and 6th, 2020. Expedition for bird photography in the Itatiaia National Park region with photographer Ronaldo Rios..

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During the 5th and 6th of June 2020, I led Ronaldo Rios through the region surrounding the Itatiaia National Park.

There were 2 days of closed weather, rain and cold at times. Ronaldo had a list of few new birds for him here in the region. We went looking for birds first by the upper part of Itatiaia in Itamonte and the next day we went to Itatiaia and in the afternoon again the upper part and got 10 more new species for his list. He took the opportunity to improve some photos of birds that he had already photographed in other regions.

Here is the list of new birds for him:

1 Speckle-breasted Antpitta
2 Rufous-tailed Antthrush
3 Such’s Antthrush
4 Itatiaia Spinetail
5 Serra do Mar Tyrannulet
6 Black-and-gold Cotinga
7 Chestnut-headed Tanager
8 Bay-chested Warbling-Finch
9 Black-capped Piprites
10 Rufous-tailed Antbird


Speckle-breasted Antpitta

Chestnut-headed Tanager

Rufous-tailed Antthrush

Black-and-gold Cotinga

Black-capped Piprites

Black-capped Piprites

Uniform Finch

Green-crowned Plovercrest

Itatiaia Spinetail

Rufous-tailed Antbird