January 3 to 10, 2020 Expedition through the regions of Itatiaia National Park, Serrinha do Alambari, Serra da Bocaina National Park and Guaratinguetá SP with couple Rita and Luiz from Santos SP.
We said goodbye to Itatiaia National Park to the Serra da Bocaina, where the Serra da Bocaina National Park is located.
We arrived in the mountains in the morning, but enough time for Rita to get some more photos of new species. We stopped at many lookouts to enjoy the beautiful landscape that the mountains provides us. The cool thing is that the lookouts have a hang gliding shape, highlighting the sport that is practiced there, due to its altitude of 1700m.
One of the lookouts of the delta-winged mountain range
Our point of support in the mountains was the Pousada Recanto da Floresta, by friends José Milton and Andrea, who always welcomes us so well. The food there is specially prepared by Roseli with many vegetables from Bocaina. a horror for those on a diet …
Following is the list of birds photographed in Serra da Bocaina:
- crowned eagle
- white crested tyrannulet
- squirrel cuckoo
- cliff swallow
- blue-and-white swallow
- southern rough winged swallow
- black billed scythebill
- pallid spinetail
- violet capped woodnymph
- white throated hummingbird
- green-crowned plovercrest
- black jacobin
- brazilian ruby
- great kiskadee
- glittering-bellied emerald
- cinnamon tanager
- thick-billed saltator
- mottle-cheeked tyrannulet
- bananaquit
- saffron finch
- black-capped piprites
- chestnut-crowned becard
- crested becard
- southern caracara
- yellow-headed caracara
- rufous-backed antvireo
- ochre rumped antbird
- chupa-dente
- chupim
- coleirinho
- corruíra
- estalinho
- fim-fim
- fruxu
- garça-vaqueira
- gavião-carijó
- gavião-pega-macaco
- gibão-de-couro
- graúna
- grimpeiro
- jacuaçu
- joão-bobo
- joão-de-barro
- joão-teneném
- lavadeira-mascarada
- limpa-folha-de-testa-baia
- maitaca-verde
- maria-cavaleira
- maria-faceira
- Yellow Tyrannulet
- maria-preta-de-bico-azulado
- maria-preta-de-garganta-vermelha
- maria-preta-de-penacho
- negrinho-do-mato
- noivinha-branca
- Gray-backed Tachuri
- papa-taoca-do-sul
- patinho
- peitica
- periquitão-maracanã
- pica-pau-do-campo
- pica-pau-dourado
- picapauzinho-verde-carijó
- pichororé
- piolhinho
- pitiguari
- pomba-asa-branca
- pula-pula
- quero-quero
- quete-do-sudeste
- sabiá-do-campo
- sabiá-laranjeira
- saí-andorinha
- saíra-amarela
- saíra-lagarta
- saíra-viúva
- sanhaçu-cinzento
- sanhaçu-de-encontro-amarelo
- sanhaçu-frade
- saudade
- suiriri
- surucuá-variado
- tesoura-cinzenta
- tesourinha
- tesourinha-da-mata
- tico-tico
- tiê-de-topete
- tiê-preto
- tororó
- trepador-quiete
- trovoada-de-bertoni
- tucano-de-bico-verde
- tucão
- tuque
- urubu-de-cabeça-preta
- vira-folha
Yellow Tyrannulet – Capsiempis flaveola
Gray-backed Tachuri – Polystictus superciliaris
Brassy-breasted Tanager – Tangara desmaresti
Cliff Swallow – Petrochelidon pyrrhonota
Crowned Eagle – Urubitinga coronata
Ochre-faced Tody-Flycatcher – Poecilotriccus plumbeiceps